What is Initiation?
As initiated believers we should feel WELCOME to participate in the community where best we can. We should always be encouraged to freely offer our giftedness in building the Kingdom within our own families and within the broader community. None of us are expected to be perfect, we are called to be honest, faithful and genuine in living out our faith.
The Process
The ideal within the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle is for a family-centred, parish-based and school-supported program which recognises the primary role of parents/guardians in the faith formation of the child.
We believe parents are the first educators of children in faith. Our Sacramental program provides a wonderful opportunity for you, the parents, as the first educators of your children, to walk together with them on their spiritual journey.
The Initiation Sacraments begin at Baptism. To proceed with the Sacraments, the baptised child must be over seven years of age.
Confirmation completes Baptism, by which in the laying on of hands and the anointing with Chrism Oil, which first happened at Baptism, we are confirmed with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. A Sacrament of Healing – the Sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation) – will be celebrated before receiving the Eucharist. The Initiation Sacraments are completed with Eucharist (formerly First Holy Communion).
The Program includes:
- Special Commitment & Presentation Masses designed for you and your family to attend over the course of the Program – these are great opportunities to connect with your faith community.
- Celebration of the Sacraments and continued engagement in the life of your faith community.
Program Cost
Administration $35 per child – covers medals, certificate, and all paperwork.
Books $10 per book per family – 3 books required.
Email SOIChisholm@mn.catholic.org.au to enquire.
In the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit
We are anointed with oil, clothed in our baptismal garment and given our baptismal candle. All these actions are signs that we have committed ourselves to the life-long journey of putting on Christ and making the mind of Christ our own. As we take our places as new members of the Catholic Church, we know that the community, its liturgy and prayer, and the mission of God it pursues, will sustain us on this journey.
The sacrament of Baptism is received only once. Since Vatican II, the Catholic Church recognises the validity of baptism in the other Christian churches which baptise with water using the Trinitarian formula.
The Celebration of the Baptism of Children in the Parishes of Maitland
We celebrate Baptism for children being presented by their parents or guardians on most Sundays of the year. These celebrations take place at a Liturgy at 11.30am.
Before celebrating their baptism, we ask the parents or guardians to attend a Baptism Preparation meeting, which is held on the first and third Sunday of each month at St Joseph’s East Maitland at 6.00pm beginning with Mass followed by an information session after Mass. During this short session, the nature and significance of Baptism is discussed and there is an opportunity for questions to be asked. During this session, parents or guardians are required to hand in their Baptism Request Form which gives the Parish Office the necessary information to prepare certificates and register the Baptism in the Parish Registers.
For enquiries, please contact our reception during opening hours or send us an email