Our Catholic community welcomes those who are feeling called into a relationship with God. Are you searching for a faith community to call your own? Perhaps you are married to a Catholic, have Catholic children, and would like to know more about their faith? Maybe the realities of life are awakening deeper questions within you?
In Baptism we are made one with Christ and a member of the Church. We are claimed by Christ when we are marked with the sign of the cross and joined to Christ as we are baptised with water.
The Sacraments of Initiation are the three rites that introduce a person into the Church. Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist are the Sacraments received, which welcome new members into our community of faith.
Becoming a Catholic is a spiritual journey that is firstly about developing a closer relationship with Jesus Christ. This process takes place within a parish community and unfolds in a way that is specific to you, your story and your needs.
For children wishing to make their sacraments outside of the yearly Sacraments of Initiation Program, the Chisholm Pastoral Region runs an alternate program called RCIA for Children during school terms.
Congratulations on your engagement and thank you for considering a Catholic marriage ceremony as you commit to love and honour for the rest of your lives in a permanent, exclusive and mutual love relationship.